
the weather has been unseasonably warm and sunny.
today for example its sunny and in the 60's.
we'll take it.
yesterday my sister and i took the kids for a hike.
 we had such a wonderful time.

pollywog loves to be outside
she craves it as do i
and she loves to be with her cousins
im thinking my sis enjoyed the fresh air too
i know i did
after a nice dinner we spent a quiet evening at home
reading and drawing
its so nice not having a tele anymore
we spend our time being present 
we listen to music more, create more, connect more and the energy in the house 
is more peaceful and positive
(im working on a new painting!)
we ended the night drinking wine and playing boggle with my sis and her hubby!
listening to music and laughing our arses off
while the little one slumbered.
wonderful pre-pre- new year!
today we plan to enjoy the beautiful day
make a fire
and have a quiet, but special dinner.
pollywog and i are going to make a special chocolate cake too.
::enjoy your day::
see ya in 2012

winter break thus far

we are enjoying our winter break
yesterday while mommy busily cleaned the house
and refreshed it with a new configuration
pollywog did some "bike repairs" 
and rode back and forth.
today while the sun warmed and illuminated the casa
and with new toys displayed and old ones
placed in new spots the little one
busied herself 
its amazing how wonderful a clean and de-cluttered 
house feels!
next on the list bread baking.

the kitchen

::comfort and joy::

::silly cousins::
these girls are so sweet together.
 cousin B made a heart out of construction paper
and cut it in half. 
she wears one half and pollywog the other.
 ::holiday baking::
::family dinner::
complete with grandma, uncle and aunt, cousins and the bubbie
::early gift::
she asked santa for a kitchen and he delivered
many yummy meals will be created here
right in eyes view of mommy's kitchen.

christmas program

pollywog had her debut yesterday
she played the little old lady in the "gingerbread man"
then they sang lovely songs
my "2's" class also participated
it was such a wonderful and sweet performance.

all that i have dreamed of for this little girl
all the hopes i carried while she twisted and kicked in my womb
unfold each and every day before my eyes
my children are the reason for this season
::happy holidays::

waking up 5

since the big -5- 
the little or should i say, not so little one, has felt different.
the day after her party we decided to brave the chill and go on an exploration walk 
(with her princess balloon of course)
and fill her basket 
with treasures.
 by the time we returned home the basket was over flowing.

her first day back to school since reaching this milestone was special.
she made sure to wear her new hair accents and messenger bag.
she proudly told her teachers upon arrival, 
"I am taller today because I am 5"

this way of life

this film touched me.
reminding me of the own stirrings of my heart.

best birthday weekend ever

i planned to post a nice, sappy letter to her
but i will keep that private.
it truly was a special and emotional weekend for me.
last year pollywog wasn't with us on her birthday.
so to have her in my arms this year and be 
able to give her the "little girl party" i have always dreamed of
was literally a prayer answered.
over the weekend i have wiped away happy tears
 as i think about the joy of having this angel in my life.
reflecting on the journey we have been on.
words truly are not enough.

ballet recital

today was a busy and very special day
  at school pollywog's class celebrated her birthday
complete with rainbow cupcakes, not one but TWO treasure box picks
and the honor of LINE LEADER all day!
She was beaming each time I passed her in the hallway.
 then this evening she performed in her first ever ballet recital!
Although shy, she did wonderful and it was mommy's turn to beam!
She was given a special diploma and her teacher even sang happy birthday to her.


Our friends/family came to honor pollywog's special day!

what a special day for such a special little one
and her birthday isn't even till tomorrow.
with a full heart and a sleepy body this little one is off to bed 
to rest up for a weekend celebrating
her life and beautiful presence in all of our lives.


custom made wrapping paper
late season apple sauce upon her request

a bubbie styled little one

 a new holiday dress
 that spins just right