It seems so long since I sat down with collected thoughts and wrote on this dear blog. Life has been so busy here and with the lack of our normal routine, I just haven't made the time. However, we are slowly returning to our daily rhythms and busy schedules...but before rejoining the steady blowing breezes that push us forward in our days, this week has blown in some squalls. So here is what all has been going on since my last post.
The holidays came and went...quietly. The kids enjoyed their gifts, the baking, and the family time we managed to have for most of the break. After Christmas the weather blessed us with springlike temperatures and sunshine. So, we went hiking and followed a lazy creek. We ran in open fields and for a minute, thought we had in fact entered a new season. Then, the cold came back and we were reminded that winter has not finished it's job here yet.
I have been diligent in keeping up with goals I set for myself in this New Year (well, aside from the small gusts of wind I mentioned above), and I cannot remember a time I have felt better. Seriously, I have so much energy, I feel light on my feet and most days am bursting at the seams with joy. Each day I have been waking up early and making a blender full of green smoothie that I drink half of before heading to the gym to meet my friend and work-out partner. We have been working out an hour and a half to two hours three times a week and ending with a nice steam. Ah, it really starts each day off just right. On the days I don't meet her at the gym, I have been doing a kick-boxing dvd at home- that is kicking my butt! For lunch I finish my green smoothie and do not feel hungry till dinner. These smoothies are so packed full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, not to mention most of the daily requirements of veggies and fruit. I am a green smoothie addict!!!! For dinner I usually juice and also have a healthy meal, like brown rice and fish, etc. But if we go out and eat I don't feel bad having fries or whatever. My body has started running so efficiently that some “not so good food” doesn't make me feel lousy like it use too. Then three days a week for four hours, I work as a receptionist at a salon, and I am really enjoying it. It is so nice to have adult conversations and have something to get dressed up for. I have been working on my wardrobe as the past three years have been exclusively “mom attire” :) I even got a stylish short hair do that I am loving. (I will post pictures soon- we are getting a new camera next week!!!!) Aside from keeping up with these work-outs and eating about a 70-80% raw vegan diet, my other resolutions are to enter a 5K this year, and finally finish my painting series...
CJ started back to school on Monday. He was anxious to get going on his studies again. He is starting new topics in most of his subjects. In Math, he is still working his way through his Algebra book. This curriculum has been great and for the first time in his life he has had no struggles with math. It has been a confidence builder! In Social Studies he is beginning an in depth study on the 50 states. He will “take a trip around the U.S.” so to speak. My dream is for us to actually spend a year RV-ing around the country and learn along the way...but that is not in our near future at this point, so we are imagining ;) He also will be building on his geography skills with this course. In Science, he is starting a study in Classification. This is a 4-6 week study that will definitely include a trip to the zoo and hopefully the big Science museum in a nearby bigger city! In Art, he is exploring different artist. After picking some favorites he will learn some biographical information and practice drawing some of their works into his new sketch book using tracing paper, drawing pencils, water colors and charcoals. He is loving this new study! For Grammar he is completing a work-book of SAT Reading Comprehension exercises, and for Literature he and I are starting a book club. We are reading an old favorite of mine that I think he will love. “The Alchemist”. Once a week we will meet over coffee and pie, or over dinner, or just find a quiet nook in the house where we will discuss our reading from the previous week. We are hoping to find some other folks to join in. He is also moving up in his Martial Arts and just tested into his yellow belt! Along with that, he is going to be working with a private swim coach to get in shape and build his endurance for the upcoming track season. (Plus he misses swimming)
B starts back to school next week. Boy, has it been nice having him home the last two weeks! This semester is his last and most intense. Although he only has two classes, most of his time will be spent working on his Thesis and doing field work.
Our little pollywog turned two over the holidays and overnight seems to have grown. She is talking so much and delighting us each moment of the day. She had her first play date last week. We met up with a friend I haven't seen in ages who has a daughter just 6 months older. We took the girls to a little coffee house for smoothies and conversation. They took right to each other and were giggling and hugging one another. Tomorrow they are coming to our house for snacks and playtime. Pollywog is so excited! Unfortunately, she also had her first experience with the stomach flu this week. Bless her little heart, she felt so sick. She was confused as to why food was coming back up and out. Mommy and daddy fed her ice chips, warm tea and cuddled her in our arms for two days. Yesterday we took her to the doctor and thought she might have to have I.V. Hydration but Thankfully she was able to keep liquids down all evening and today seems to be on the mend. She woke up hungry and saying, “no more tummy ow-ees.” During these last two days I have been eating awful and not exercising- so today I have declared, “green smoothie day” and I hope to take CJ for a walk while he gathers items for his classification assignment. The squall has passed for now and we are hopefully going to stay on least until the next off course wind.
Note: the “sailing” analogies are most likely due to the book I am currently reading, “
Maiden Voyage”. It has been taking me on nightly excursions to the Sea.