playing catch up...
Armed with a new camera... I have been taking pictures of small "going on's" around here and waiting for time to write about them.
Finding time to do this isn't always easy- but it's not because we are "bad" busy we have been having fun and getting into new routines.
CJ has set his sights on an indoor triathlon that his coach told him about. So now he is swimming 3 days a week, and the other two lifting weights and running. Being a boy with overflowing energy, this training has been so good for him. He is able to focus so much more when doing his studies and falls asleep before his head hits the pillow. Oh, and did I mention how much he eats. Um, yeah...a lot!
It works out good how much I end up going to the gym. Now I too am working out 5 days a week. I was training for a 5K but my ankle ended up getting the best of me. Not to worry though, now I am training for a bike race.
A 10 miler in May, and a 30 miler in June. Eventually maybe a 50 than 100 miler! It has been wonderful getting back into shape. I was always a sporty girl- and my body responds well to exercise. I get addicted to it! During the days I have constant energy and I sleep better than I have since being a youngin'. Right now I am training indoors...and looking for a road bike.
I am also reading 80-10-10 and hoping to start incorporating it into my training.
B too has been going to the gym when not busy writing his Thesis. He has also starting job hunting, seeing how he graduates this spring.
I am no longer working. It was fun while it lasted but my family just doesn't function on the level we should when I am not here to oversee :)
Working outside the home did help me to connect with myself again and for that I am grateful.
So here are some of the "going on's" to share...
Our New Years day spent hiking and enjoying the great outdoors
lots of practice using our imagination
pollywog has been enjoying her Christmas gifts
recent art project CJ, pollywog and I did...
craft days...
and pollywog practicing the letter O
crocheting coasters for a friend's housewarming
B's aunt and uncle own a vineyard in Oregon and kindly sent us some bottles.
We have a friend who is a sommelier, so we had a small wine tasting (and sniffing:) ) party
(this was some of the best wine I have ever had...)
and recent snow days...
Is spring almost here?
well...not yet, so we are off to play in the sunshine and snow.
Hope everyone has a great day!