Rental Re-do: the kitchen
So I mentioned the other day, the plans to revamp the house, as we hunker down here for one more year before heading back to the coast. When you are a "grad student family" you live life on a budget... (well, and if you have my man for a husband)- and when you rent you are limited with options for change. We can't paint our walls so we (I) paint other items and get creative. Here are some pictures beforehand: ( I HATE these cabinets!!!!) For the past three nights I have been working on the kitchen. I found a color paint that I love. It makes me so happy to look at it. It's called Whirlpool but to me it looks like my favorite turquoise ring. I painted the large furniture, (all this furniture I have collected from Craigslist with the exception of the table which I got for 30 bucks at a flea market last year) and brought in the bench that was outside to make a little eating nook with the table, (that I also purchased on craigslist for like 15 dollars) It is so long that at the end of it, I put an African basket with cooking magazines and a pillow for seating. Next to that is a little bookcase so it's a nice reading spot! It's so nice to hang out in there while the cooking is going on. I decided to use red as an accent color. The "SEA" I got for 50 cents each and painted them. I'm so loving the birds I made and put on the walls. Read here to learn how to do this. I plan to do some freezer stencils of the birds on my curtains. Read here to learn about freezer stencils and look here to see what they look like. We also painted chalkboard paint on the fridge. It still needs another coat and then needs to be seasoned. The kids are pretty excited about drawing on this, and now I can have a handy place for a grocery list. Read here to learn more about this project. All in all, I spent less than 40 bucks on my revamp. Still need cushions for the bench and 3 wooden chairs for the table. Right now we are using folding chairs while I peruse garage sales. We brought the ocean to us... and this is...well...because she is sooooooo darn cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't see in the pics but her hair is growing and she has these cute little blond curls in back... and she's a snuggler! Could I be any luckier?