Last carefree days of summer: dos

Yesterday Pollywog and I met up with my sister and her kids and my mom for dinner.
These girls love each other so much. I cannot tell you how it touches my heart to see my sister's daughter and my daughter so close. I remember when me and my sister were little girls we would often talk about someday having babes of our own...and well They are almost the same age difference as my sister and I - and they often remind me of when we were little gals. It is a beautiful thing...this cycle of life. Then there is our matriarch, my mom. I often think about her being my age and thinking of her daughters have children someday. Her grandkids treasure her. Pollywogs favorite game with grandma is when grandma finds strawberries, skittles and ice cream on her cheeks and eats them off After dinner I took the kids to see Toy Story 3 at the outdoor park. Our community has many wonderful activities like this for families and kids. We all snuggled on a blanket under the stars, gorging on candy and making lasting memories... They kept me laughing all the way to the park. Needless to say the drive home was quieter as they all dozed off to sleep. On another is the blanket my sis made for Pollywog. She picked out the material...think she likes it?