I set up a lovely table,complete with candles, on the sunporch for the kids. We had a baked potato bar, and I made a new crispy, baked chicken recipe (for everyone but me, the lone veg-head).
We sipped on white wine and played a game I made asking one another questions like: "where do you see yourself in 5 years?", "what is an injustice you feel most passionate about", "favorite childhood memory"...etc It was so wonderful to learn more about my sister. I was surprised to know that there were some tid-bits about her I did not know. I gave the kids a box, tape, cotton balls, scissors and papertowel rolls and they all created together. It's amazing how fun a box can be. Pollywog actually spent alot of time in this said box before our guests arrived. I kept going in her room to check on her but she was content and having fun sitting in a box. Go figure...
My niece made me this
OMG I love it sooo much!!!! Friday was our "day home together" we slept in a bit and after breakfast headed out in search of yard sales. I was on a mission to find an old desk to add to pollwogs room. I am going to be making some changes to her room. She crafts so much that she really needs a creative space to explore and go wild in. Also, she is still sleeping with mommy. In her own bed, but in my room. As an avid co-sleeper, transitioning to solo sleeping has always been an issue for me. My son slept in my room till around the age of 10. To prevent that, I am designing a plan to transition her to her own room. It goes something like this...her and I decorate and make her room a place tailored to her, a place she feels cozy, can dream, play and grow. I want to make a canopy for her bed which I know will delight her, as well as a reading tipi ...currently her reading nook looks like this-
She has earned an aquarium with her responsibility chart, so we are in search for a new aquarium to illuminate her room at night and lull her to sleep. Then I plan to sleep next to her until she falls asleep till eventually it all seems normal to her and she is transitioned. (Hmmm, sounds perfect right :D ) It makes me so happy to see pollywog adjusting to the changes in her life and seeing her feel secure in her routines and trust that there will be no upheaval. That was something that worried her for awhile once arriving home. Often she would express how good it was to be home, be with her cousins, around her toys and friends and that she was worried she would have to leave or that things might change again. It took daily reassurance and alot of hugs and kisses but I feel that now, she feels secure. We plan for activities in the future. This is important for her, to build a life here and relax into it. Next week at school she has her Halloween party, in two weeks she starts ballet. In December she has a ballet recital and a Christmas program at school. As well as a birthday party my sister has been planning since pollywog got back home in August. (Its gonna be pretty special!!!!) For kindergarten next year she will be attending the school her cousins attend. This is something I am especially thrilled about. My sister and her kids LOVE this school. One of the directors is a leading advocate and speaker regarding literacy and has created a successful reading program for kids. For pollywog to be able to see her cousins each day, share activities, be in plays together, and grow in this environment throughout the years is a goal to accomplish. Whoa, I got off the subject- back to Friday...
We headed off to yard sales and some thrift stores. Pollywog has been asking for mommy to get her some, "harder puzzles". We found several puzzles that challenge her, and I also purchased this cool basket
I simple love it. I haven't decided its purpose yet, so for now it is hanging in the dining room storing pollywogs puzzles.
Pollywog also picked out some infant clothes for her growing brood.
Friday evening after taco salad and a yummy, cold Octoberfest beer (ahem, the little one had water), she spent the evening assembling puzzles while I worked on a little project for her.
You will have to wait to see what it is...