we have had a busy week, and an even busier weekend.
at the preschool we've been making spring crafts,
having popsicle parties outside in 85 plus heat and sunshine,
and taming and occupying wild children.
having worked as a teacher before, i notice the little ones
tend to get restless and spirited towards the end of the year.
i can relate.
a classmate and friend of pollywog's, lost his father suddenly last week
so we have been spending some extra time with him
and his mother.
she has become my friend throughout this school year.
their loss has just been devastating. there are no words.
just the enormous reminder that life can change instantly.
life is so precious.
in these days i know i have kissed my little one more,
and felt a deeper sense of love and gratitude for the loved ones in my life.
friday i took pollywog and her friend to the community garden.
a friend manages it and we offered our services for planting.
the heat was oppressive. it was hot and muggy but we got there early
and prepped a garden bed. the girls mainly played with their dolls in the dirt
but we had a lovely time.
saturday, pollywog had her soccer game.
it was her best one yet. she was so happy to be running up
and down the field with her friends and her favorite part
was being the goalie.
that evening i hosted a cinco de mayo garden party.
one of my best friends flew in from colorado to join in the festivities.
i purchased a kiddie pool for the little ones and the yard was strung with
white lights and some tapestries. each guest brought a mexican dish and
we sipped strawberry, mint margaritas and sat on blankets till one in the morning.
the little kids fell asleep watching a movie.
it was such a wonderful time! we watched the super moon in all its glory.
best of all i got to catch up with my sweet friend and reconnect.
this morning over coffee her and i were teary to say goodbye.
wish all good friends could live nearby.
sunday, today- has been a nice lazy day.
after cleaning up the mess from last night pollywog and i have puttered around the house.
she took another dip in her new pool, rode her bike and decorated the patio stairs with chalk.
she has been very interested in reading and writing.
at pre-k they are working on sight words and this has bolstered this interest.
when we are in the car she always ask for a pencil and paper to write down
words that she sees and then asks what they are.
this week i got her a "word notebook", basically a notebook. :)
daily she writes down words that she sees, or ones that she has memorized.
like: mom, stop, and, robin, etc.
this evening she took one of her books and sat at her desk writing all the words she saw.
she sat there for at least an hour writing words like: garter snake, garden spider, and butterfly.
after filling up the page i suggested we mail it to daddy so he can see
how smart and talented she is.
she excitedly helped me fill out the envelope and put it in the mail.
what a sweet pumpkin she is.
in short, life is good.
in all its imperfections it is oh so perfect to me.
maybe it's my friend's recent loss, or the heat, or hormones
all i know is i catch myself peaking at my sleeping child
with tears in my eyes- filling overflowing joy when she runs and jumps in my arms.
not wanting to miss even one moment of her life.
there are many moments of thankful prayer
with tears in my eyes- filling overflowing joy when she runs and jumps in my arms.
not wanting to miss even one moment of her life.
there are many moments of thankful prayer
for my children and my life.
now i am going to prop up these barking dogs, watch a movie
and listen for rain...with my favorite little girl.