wow...two post in one day
It's just one of those days...the winds of change are blowing in. I can feel it in the air. Summer is slowly becoming a memory and the energy of Fall is breezing through.
I've been in a funk of sorts lately. This happens to me when I forget to be in the moment and my head is somewhere else. I find myself in tomorrow, or a moment ahead. When I am not present and forget to appreciate the now.
In these moments I feel frustrated and don't always enjoy being home all day with the kids.
I long for time alone and find myself impatient when I don't get this. This is a season we are all susceptible too. When I acknowledge how I am feeling I can give myself a hug and a dash of grace and then I have to pull myself up by my "boot straps" and make some changes. My children deserve a mommy who is happy and contented. My husband deserves a joyful wife and I deserve to feel happy and in the moment.
When I get like this, I find that the best remedy is to be very aware of being present. I can do this by journaling at night, doing a photographic series on my blog (this really helps), Planning special days with the kids, making things, being mindful, and grateful every day.
What also helps is only getting on the computer at night when the kids are not fighting for my attention, and scheduling times for myself.
So I am going to start a photo series called, "30 days of grateful". These will just be moments in my day that I am choosing to recognize and be thankful for. The toughest part will be choosing only one a day. :)
Also, I will be sharing activities, ideas, and daily musings that keep me present in these "long days and short years" of mothering.
I would love to hear feedback from your days and ways that you stay present and enjoy being a mom or dad.
Happy Blessings to all