
friday is a day of no school and no work at the preschool... and a day we declared our "nature day"!
it was a sun shiny day so we took the day to do some work on the property. closing down some of the garden beds and transplanting some Rose of Sharon saplings.
we also planted some seeds for our own garden and experiment in "winter gardening".
i took the opportunity to strike up a dialouge with pollywog regarding growing ones own food versus having to purchase all of it.
she loves talking about things such as this and learning.
she was interested in other things we can do on our own. we talked about maybe someday owning chickens and getting our eggs fresh each day in our very own yard.
she carefully and expertly helped me plant the saplings and sifted through the rich soil to find temporary pet worms. this gal loves her worms.
and well what gal can resists piles of leaves???

we ended the gorgeous day where we began it...outside!
i lit a fire in the pit and brought the drum out to play along with World Beat on NPR.
pollywog loves music and has some serious rhythm.

now for the weekend