Like last Friday, we went on our weekly Nature Walk for CJ's field journal. We will be doing this every Friday and so most likely I will be posting about just that. To recap just what this is... CJ and I or B, or even all 4 of us, head out into the woods somewhere. CJ makes observations about his surroundings, the weather, animals he sees, things like that. Then he collects something that catches his eye. Once we are home he researches the object and writes all about it, takes a photograph and all of this information is inserted into his Field Journal. This is a chance for all of us to connect with the natural world. To observe it, talk about it, listen to it, touch it, smell it and let our spirits soar in it. In this modern world where media, video games, internet and couch potato life styles rule, it's easy to lose touch with the outdoors. We believe that nothing good comes from that. If we can understand nature we can begin to understand ourselves, our creator. We need this connection and we try to make sure that our family spends lots of time running and playing outside. Personally, I notice that if I am cooped up indoors all day I feel empty and long to be somewhere away from "civilization", at least the concrete one. So, today the 4 of us went to a nearby trail that we often frequent. Pollywog and B went off to run in the fields while CJ and I hiked around, laughed, raced each other, pointed out bugs and animals running by and just visited. Much fun was had on our walk. Here are some memories: Today, some strange bugs caught CJ's eye. They gave me the heebie jeebies. They looked creepy and "pinchy" (I know...not a word- well, up until just now). Once home CJ began researching to find out just what these critters were. Turns out they are the Curibita... Otherwise known as "squash bugs", or" pumpkin bugs". They bite, they are not poisonous, and they are known to infest corn crops and sometimes cows. They are native to the mid-west and have orange tips on their legs. Today CJ also made his Field Journal. He likes being creative and worked happily on this. In the middle of our work it began raining. The sun was shining and it was beautiful. Of course CJ couldn't resist a sun shower and took a quick break to run outside and exclaim it's beauty. Life is beautiful. Here is a sneek peak of his journal-- oh and pollywog woke up from her nap and joined in the fun. On another note, I did receive the requests to learn more about our home-school days. I am working on a post all about it. Thank you for the interest. As for this evening... CJ is at a sleep over... and some sushi- a cool glass of white wine and a movie are calling my name..."I'm coming" ... have a BLESSED weekend.