9 September
Today was our first "Special Nature Day". I am planning on making this a weekly ritual.
Although we spend alot of time outdoors tending garden, digging in the dirt, going for bike rides and visiting friends out in the country, I wanted to create a special day focused on connecting with nature.
Pollywog doesn't have school on Fridays so this seemed the perfect time.
The goal for this day is to be quiet and listen and watch all that is around us. Of course this isn't forced silence...we naturally quiet ourselves as we observe all that is going on around us.
The breeze, the swaying trees, the singing birds, the scurrying squirrels, all bring a peaceful feeling and an opportunity to learn and reflect together.
This also gives us a chance to collect small treasures that we can add to our Nature Table or put in Pollywogs Nature Book.
Lastly, it is a great way to see the cycles of nature happen. The leaves changing colors and later becoming bare, animals gathering food to birds hatching in nests.
Today we played a game where we took turns describing animals, their habitats, foods they eat, etc and had to guess the animal. Pollywog really enjoyed this!
We observed many animals today: turtles, deer, squirrels, cardinals and robins, skinks, and fish.
She found a special leaf she wants to press into her Nature Book.
After our hike we headed home and Pollywog washed her new doll we acquired at a garage sale.
What a sweetie!
I gotta hop off this computer and get ready for our guests.
My sister and her family are coming over for home-made pizza and a fire for the kids to make smores! Pollywog is bouncing up and down next to me waiting for her cousins!
:::happy weekend:::