My camera is not working very well so this post is absent of images from our day.
Of course it seemed there were an abundance of, "picture worthy moments", and I often found myself reaching for my camera.
Oh how I long for a nice camera, ah someday!
It was another sunny day kissed with a hint of autumn.
Pollwog was especially excited about this day of school because mommy was going to be there.
I volunteer at her school and today was my day to assist with lunches and breaks.
Once Pollywog caught a glimpse of me she and her friends began jumping up and down and waving.
I too was excited to see her and sneak glimpses of her at play and learning thoughout the day.
Later in the afternoon I visited with the director of this wonderful,sweet, small pre-school and we chatted about an employment opportunity for me.
I felt tears well in my eyes as I listened to her describe a job I have literally being praying for.
With my garden season slowing down Ive been hoping for an opportunity to get back to teaching and have hours around Pollywogs schedule. To be able to do this and it be where Pollywog attends, is a blessing I was overwhelmed by.
::giving thanks::
After school we relaxed and then sat in the sun. Well I sat and Pollywog transformed into "Sally the Circus Girl" and spun a disc and did tricks. This is a new character she has recently come up with.
Sally is a circus girl who lives in a fort in the backyard and is allergic to people, although today she overcame this allergy.
She performs amazing acts with a hoola hoop sort of disc and tightrope dances.
We went out for mexican dinner and Sally and Pollywog took turns joining the meal. Gotta love her imagination!!!
After dinner we played in the backyard. I got to work digging out my garden beds so Pollywog and I can start preparing the beds and planting some fall and winter goodies.
Pollywog helped me pull and harvest the many tomato plants and found lots of grubs, rolly pollies and worms that she excitedly showed me each time.
She was blissed out!
I lit the firepit in the lower garden and when the sun set we snuggled by the fire. Me, Pollywog and Peanut all piled onto a lawnchair.
Goodness the cute picture opportunities were constant.
We decided tonight that we are going to groom Pnut and bring him into our home for the cold months, so Pollywog is gaining a dog.
Pollywog LOVES to snuggle this furball and he seems to enjoy it to.
Pollywog was in snuggle heaven.
So sweet!
Now we're cuddled on the couch watching "The Little Mermaid"...her first time seeing it.
She has decided she wants to be a mermaid for Halloween so I thought it fitting.
..."Ive got gadgets and gizmos of plenty"...