I guess when you declare a day a "lazy day" it only seems fitting that it be followed by a crazy, busy day where flexibility is needed.
It seemed like from the moment I got up I was behind schedule.
Where Pollywog and I are usually the first to arrive at pre-school and the first to leave.
Today we were last on both counts.
She however wasn't bothered by this as she proudly said "Mommy, today was the best day ever!"
That was exactly what I needed to hear after frantically rushing to pick her up.
I was so behind on getting household chores completed, including getting dinner ready, but my sweet little girl busied herself painting the title for our "Autumn wall" humming all the while.
Finally I let go of my "schedule" and meal plan for the day and ordered us pizza!
Bubbie walked in the door and you would've though Santa himself arrived as Pollywog beamed and got lots of snuggles
and laughs
I even got some snuggles in...he towers over me but he always gives his ol mom plenty of hugs!
Whew...I am glad today is winding down.
What will tomorrow bring?