Today was beautful.
The sun burst through the weekend of clouds and cast its glow upon us. Garden work that has been put off was finally attended to.
I have been building and tending an organic garden for a dear man who has employed me for the past three seasons.
It started off slowly but this years harvest was bountiful and easily fed three families (including mine).
I have learned so much over the years. From building a compost box that now houses rich and nutrient rich organic soil, to creating a design and building the garden
with my own two hands. This is how I learned how to operate a skill saw. :D
Diggin for hours in the hot sun dripping with sweat, covered in dirt and blissfully passing out each night with aching muscles and blistered hands. (I am proud to say I now have hearty callouses)
Being lucky enough to watch the magic and journey that occurs in a garden.
Planting seeds, eventually seeing sprouts poke out their little bodies, then sitting around a table full of the goodness the earth provided...with really little help from me...aside from alot of weeding and singing.
I have spent many mornings in that garden with a heavy heart only to be given the gift of watching a robin having a soak in one of the several bird baths,or out of nowhere being illuminated by a comforting sun, or have a friendly butterfly land on my knee, or pulling up an earthworm and thinking of Pollywog.
This garden has been a blessing in my life and opened up a passion in me I didn't know I had.
I am an amateur gardener with much to learn, but now I know its a path I hope to continue on.
My intention is to be able to take permaculture classes,have the opportunity to work in other gardens, continue educating myself and maybe own a little plot all my own that Pollywog can flourish in as I have.
We are creatures of nature who spend to much time away from which we came.
Our bodies, spirit and mind revive when touching and working with the earth.
Eating these fruits right out of the ground nourish us instinctually.
I often envision a cozy home overlooking a couple acres filled with my gardens, chickens, ducks...a creek to paint and make pottery by, Pollywog and maybe some other babes running through meadows, catching lightening bugs, pulling carrots to snack on,AWWWWWW- but for now I am happy to tend this garden and begin working on the small beds in my own back yard.
I just ordered several books on year round gardening and Pollywog and I are going to be working on our garden this weekend!
:::giving thanks:::