Being a mother to a teenage boy


- discovering new odors and searching for the culprits (usually armpits, shoes, or hidden foods in room)
- never running out of laundry
- finding wet towels on the floor
- hearing words like, "kill", "blood", "fight" etc more than you care too
- learning new lingo
- falling into the toilet b/c the lid has been left up
- large supplies of cereal
- finding wadded up band aids around the house, usually the kitchen, gross (trashcan is too far apparently)
- never ending supply of chips, cereal, 2 liters, and three helpings at dinner
- observing constant eye rolling
- hearing yourself sound like your parent
- having to let go
- secret tears about letting go
- never having to carry in your groceries
- having someone always looking out for you
- big, rough hugs
- rolling down the windows and rockin' out together to tunes
- laying awake in bed at night worrying
- empathy for their insecurities
- being a constant cheerleader, annoying, a prayer warrior, mess hall cook and chauffeur
- pride
- having a best friend for life