Busy girl

(Here are some images from a busy girl's day.)
I have been planning to make pollywog a dolly. She is so loving and is always hugging and kissing her stuffed animals. Yesterday while at the store, she spotted a baby doll. Just like a little girl, she was oohing and awwing...she held her (while in the box) kissing her. I caved and bought her the dolly. I still plan to make her one, but this is her first official baby doll. Do you think she likes her?

Our morning ritual that delights her...

Getting to go in brother's room, is always a special thing for baby. Getting to watch him play video games, or even play with his Leggos, now that is exciting! (can't you just see the excitement on his face...) ...(I highly recommend the magazine, Breakaway that you can see in the last picture, if you have a teen boy- there are ones for girls too.)