a birthday passed...

What do you do when it's your Father's birthday?
For my dad it was mom's Banana Cream pie with Vanilla Wafers that he would oohh and awe over, while inhaling each creamy bite.
For my dad it meant a bag of whatever his favorite candy happens to be at the moment.
For my dad it meant finding a funny card that I knew he would get a kick out of and having no problem filling it out with all the things I love about him.
For my dad it meant lots of homemade cards from his adoring grandkids and him exclaming "I love this, this is great" or laughing after each opening each one.
For my dad it meant big gestures while opening gifts and at the end of the celebration saying, "this was so nice, I am so thankful for my family"
For my dad it meant his favorite season, summer and baseball.
For my dad it meant the best hugs and kisses and the the kindest smiling eyes.
For my dad it meant, "alright, the Cardinals are playing" which meant, Parties Over!
What do you do when it's your Father's birthday only this time, he isn't here?

Happy Birthday dad! I miss you so much.