date night Life in Quotes today.
I am still moving slow due recovery and lack of food. I've been living off smoothies, milkshakes, oatmeal, eggs and lots of saline rinses and Emergen-C. I am almost back to normal.
Today I took CJ and his friend to a movie and tonight he is staying at his friends me and B are planning a quiet, evening at home together, with the pollywog of course.
Tonights romantic menu: fancy omelets (B's specialty) with tomatoes and basil from our garden, sprouted toast and freshly roasted and ground coffee...(just roasted today) mmmm
Then when the little one is in bed we are gonna snuggle up and watch a netflix.
So no more computer today. Life in Quotes will be back tomorrow.
Here is the link for the other blog
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Comments are icing on the cake.