the tooth saga
well...I just got back from the dentist/oral surgeon. So sweet...I knew it was bad when he looked at my tooth and patted my shoulder saying, "oh you poor dear".
He said that it's got to come out. With the condition of the tooth being so bad, he suggests I be sedated- as it will be a rough removal. Immediately I felt a wave of fear come over me which I pushed down past my frozen smile.
I have never been sedated. This frightens me. But what I am really worried about is that I cannot nurse my baby for 24 hours. She is rounding 20 months and has never had a bottle, doesn't take a pacifier and I haven't pumped before. Breastmilk is now a supplement to solid food for her...but she loves it. She loves to snuggle against mommy and feel comforted and secure. She frequently comes up to me throughout the day saying, "na na" and then smiling and giggling. This is how she relaxes, this fixes all boo boos, this is our special time.
How will I turn her away tomorrow?
Thankfully B will be home all day and can feed her yummy foods and keep her distracted.
Thankfully I am getting this tooth removed.
We will get through this with new "smarts" ~
but I am scared...
Natural childbirth with two children didn't scare me this much.
Go figure...